⭐️ Solv Protocol on Binance Megadrop

📌 Solv Protocol is the second largest BTC restaking protocol (after Lombard) with a total amount of restaked BTC of 11,684 ($1.1b). Together with Binance, today they announced the release of Link on Binance Megadrop

➡️ Megadrop activities are formed from two parts:

1️⃣ Lock funds in BNB Lock Products

🔘 you can lock now

2️⃣ Web3 quests in Binance Web3 Wallet.

🔘There are none yet, but they will appear soon. Usually, this is staking a symbolic amount in protocol tokens (SOLV).

Your allocation is determined based on the points for the totality of activities. You can take part without staking BNB, simply by completing tasks in Binance Web3 Wallet.

⚙️ Tokenomics:

🔘 Total supply: 8.4b $SOLV with the possibility of increasing in the future to 9.66b $SOLV

🔘 Megadrop rewards: 588m $SOLV (7%)

🔘 Initial supply: 1.482b $SOLV (17.65%)