Information that no one will tell you here and it is important if you are waiting for a currency with a price of 0.00001 to reach $ 1 to become a millionaire.





If you enter the currency and then choose the word "Information" and then look at "Total Supply" you will find a very large number which is the size of the currency in the market minus what was burned.

Example to understand the currency $BTTC its total supply is 990T trillion and this is a very large number in the market, you must burn all of this number to get to $ 1.

I mean like the vegetable market if apples are spread everywhere and in large quantities its price will be very cheap, but if the quantity of apples in the market is small and with few people its price will be very high and expensive. The same topic in digital currencies in addition to trust in the currency and the project on which the currency is based, such as $SOL and $XRP , currencies with a good future

I hope that the information has been conveyed in a simplified manner so that you do not live in a great illusion from which you will not get anything




