GMT (Green Metaverse Token) is trading at $0.174767, down 0.16605% from its previous close. The highest price of the day is $0.2099 and the lowest price is $0.174767.

Technical Analysis:

According to various technical indicators, the current status of GMT is as follows:

Moving Averages: Neutral

Technical Indicators: Strong Sell

Oscillators: Neutral

Based on this information, the current market situation for GMT is mixed and volatile.

Forecast for the next 24 hours:

Based on technical analysis, the price of GMT is likely to continue its downward trend in the next 24 hours. However, the forecast may change due to the volatility of the cryptocurrency market and various external influences. It is important to review the latest information and analysis before investing.

Current market situation:

GMT is currently trading at $0.174767, down 0.16605% from its previous close. The day's high is $0.2099 and the low is $0.174767.


The cryptocurrency market is highly volatile and risky. Complete research and advice should be sought before investing.