USTC Coin (TerraClassicUSD) is a cryptocurrency, currently priced at $0.02044, with a 24-hour increase of 2.15%1. In terms of RMB, the price of USTC Coin is ¥0.13210, with a 24-hour decrease of 5.92%.
Basic Information
Issued Volume: The maximum issuance volume of USTC Coin is 7.876 billion coins.
Market Value: The global market value is $110 million.
Trading Platforms: It can be traded on multiple platforms, including Binance, OKEx, and more.
Market Performance
Price Fluctuation: The highest price in the last 24 hours was $0.02104, and the lowest price was $0.01969.
Trading Volume: The trading volume in the last 24 hours was 520 million coins.
Market Value: The market value in the last 24 hours was $110 million.
Latest Updates
Community Updates: The TerraClassic community recently passed a proposal to burn 800 million USTC coins.