Price prediction of $USUAL
Market data summary
Current price: 1.1045 USDT
Price 24h ago: 1.1595 USDT
24h price volatility: Decrease of 4.74%
Highest price in 24h: 1.1649 USDT
Lowest price in 24h: 1.0300 USDT
24h trading volume: 76,917,190 USDT
Funding rate: -0.00000121
Open interest: 38,188,757 USDT
Cash flow: Net cash flow is -8,228,568 USDT (inflow: 37,373,845 USDT, outflow: 45,602,413 USDT)
Market sentiment situation
Fear and greed index: 73 (Greedy)
Detailed analysis
The current price of USUAL is at 1.1045 USDT, showing a depreciation compared to 24 hours ago. The decrease of 4.74% in the last 24 hours may reflect several factors such as selling pressure or a correction after reaching a peak of 1.1649 USDT.
The trading volume is quite high, indicating significant interest from investors. However, the negative net flow suggests that more investors are withdrawing their capital than investing new funds, which could be a warning sign of uncertainty in the next price trend.
The fear and greed index at 73 indicates that the market is in a greedy state, which could lead to price corrections in the future if any negative news emerges.
The price of USUAL is in a correction phase after reaching a high, with increasing selling pressure. Investors should closely monitor cash flow indicators and market sentiment to make reasonable investment decisions.