⭐️ Can $FLOKI Inu Lead the Memecoin Rally with its Upcoming ETP Launch?
The Floki community recently voted in favor of a proposal that will help create the liquidity needed for the ETP launch, which is now set to go live by Q1 2025. When it goes live, it will become the second memecoin ETP on a regulated stock exchange, following in the footsteps of the Dogecoin ETP. The coin has seen a jump of 400% this year showcasing immense community support to push it to new heights.
💬 Many seem to be taking for granted how incredible it is for a #memecoin to have an ETP.There are millions of memecoins, and there are at least 8 memecoins above $1 billion market cap!Of these, only one currently has an ETP on a regulated stock exchange: $DOGE. #FLOKI is next. — B (Da Viking)
Floki’s bullish move is creating a possibility of a memecoin breakout in 2025 as following the lead many others will jump on the ETP mania to leverage the success. Following the news Floki is expected to rise in price and may attract big institutional support.
🔸 What is the Proposal?
As per the proposal, it will allocate a portion of the 16.3 billion tokens in the community’s buyback wallet to provide liquidity for the ETP, while the remaining tokens will be burned. As a result, the token’s price surged 5%, reaching $0.0001797, with trading volume jumping by 58% in just 24 hours. The community-driven projects are seen as a hot choice for crypto investors as many meme coins are supported by political leaders and celebrities.
🔸 Interest Market is Heating Up
Hence, market analysts are bullish about Floki’s potential. With futures open interest (OI) increasing by 10% and derivative volumes up by 74%, there’s a noticeable surge in market interest. Some analysts predict that Floki could rally by over 50%, possibly reaching $0.00055, and even target $0.00080. This growing attention from both traders and analysts highlights Floki’s bullish outlook, especially as the ETP launch could significantly boost its market visibility and investor interest.