At the beginning of the year, $TON was $2 and didn't get much attention. But when the blockchain was integrated into Telegram, TON reached $5 and attracted a lot of attention. Telegram introduced Telegram Wallet and Telegram Mini Apps. And more recently, along with the new ATH $BTC , TON also reached its peak.
With Telegram Mini Apps, a whole era of TapTap games was born. The first was $NOT , which attracted several tens of millions of users, and after listing, the coin's capitalization broke through the threshold of 1 billion capitalization. Obviously, the success of NOT could not be the only case, other TapTap games appeared, the biggest ones being $DOGS, $HMSTR, $X. And $CATI became the second largest TapTap game in terms of capitalization, also reaching 1 billion. All these coins had such a TVL to volume ratio in the first couple of days that the APR in the liquidity pools on was over 300% for several days.
A huge number of developers appeared on #TON , for example, the largest blockchain DEX - has already developed a beta version of the #Omniston protocol, which will provide the best rate among all DEX and resolvers, due to the revolutionary decentralized protocol.
Cross-Chain is also in development. developers have already made the first test swap between two blockchains - TON and Tron ($TRX).
On TON appeared DEX with some functionality of CEX - $STORM, the main feature of which is leverage. Not only cryptocurrencies, but also gold and oil are available in it. To maintain the liquidity of its token, has added dynamic farming to the STORM/TON pair, with an APR currently at 55%.