According To Blum, their TGE will happen in Q1, but they intentionally skipped the year 🧨🧨

We don’t know if it is Q1 of 2025 or Q1 of 2027, this is a very bad move, Blum should just be straight forward with their community

If you look at the image below, you will discover that Blum intentionally skipped the place where they were supposed to write the year

This guys are just playing with their users and they are doing this intentionally

Before you believe the TGE will happen in 2025, there is no place that directly says that TGE will happen in 2025

Blum is currently having less than 26M monthly users all the way from 56M plus users

By January, Blum might be having less than 20M monthly users and if no solid update about Airdrop in February, we will see their monthly users drop to 14M

Community is the Alpha, treat them right and you will sell 🙌