‼️ ATTENTION‼️ Here I will leave the link to the NEW Telegram group that you all asked me to create. This will only be the link to acquire the membership to the real group which, if it meets the purchase requirements, will be admitted. Note that the group will operate even with just one member; the idea is to build a new community in which I will dedicate my time sharing information about the crypto market, providing some essential tools such as very accurate indicators, market trends. We will be analyzing the market until altseason; if there are signals for long or short, I will share them, my portfolio for 2025, best crypto options to buy at the current price, and much more🚀📈🏌️... we will have long-term investment plans for investors who have a different vision of the market and different capital. The information will also be provided in different languages for people from all over the world. The price for the VIP channel will be 5 dollars for a whole month. In the second month, we will raffle cryptocurrencies regardless of their price; if we achieve good profits, we will raffle a Solana, a BNB, or any crypto among the members🏌️🚀 As time passes and this community grows, I will create courses on different topics, such as trading, stock investment, spot futures, technical analysis, and much more. I hope you support this💰🚀🏌️2025

📲Link to acquire VIP:


You must send the word VIP and I will give you details in private
