About three weeks ago, I found a "hot tip" in a Telegram group. On the market grizzlydex.com, the price of $SOL was ~8-9% higher than on Binance. So, I decided to create an account and start trading. I invested ~$90 and managed to make 7 withdrawals from Grizzlydex. However, on the 8th attempt, my account was blocked, and they told me I needed to complete some security checks, which included depositing $100 into the account.
On top of all this, when you create an account, you don’t need to verify your email, so you can use any email address you want. Also, when withdrawing funds from Grizzlydex, the processing time for the transaction was very long.
I also found other similar markets, like Rixelbit, where the price of $LTC is ~8% higher than on Binance.
After this experience, I searched the internet for more information about Grizzlydex and found only one post on Reddit mentioning that these kinds of markets usually allow you to make ~5-6 withdrawals before blocking your funds.
Given this information, I thought about creating a new account with a different email address for each transaction on Grizzlydex, hoping to avoid having my money blocked. Do you think this plan could work?
Caution! Don’t invest more than you can afford to lose in things you don’t fully understand.
Have you ever experienced markets that blocked your funds?