Part two of the podcast with Max from StonFi.
Do you have analytics? What do you consider active wallets?
We count active wallets that have made 1 transaction. The average swap volume is about $50.
Но это не точная метрика. Ведь в #TON 30-40% реальных юзеров, а остальные торговые объемы совершают боты. И этот показатель хороший, в других сетях он выше.
It is clear that people come from tapalok and they need to sell their tokens. Then higher, but now there is a lull and over the last 30 days we have 400k active wallets.
Но реальных людей я думаю, 150-200 тыс. Они просто молча свапают токены и даже не подписаны на каналы DEX. Те кто, погружены в экосистему - десятки тысяч людей.
Trading volumes have fallen now, it's hard not to notice. As have the prices of most tokens. But that's to be expected. The league gave out helicopter money and inflated the bubble. Then, the league ended and we rolled back, but not completely.
Organic trading remains, where traders exchange tokens. For example, REDO. It is clear that they are not just inflating volumes, but that people are actually trading.
Now we are waiting for a new league from Ton Foundation (We waited for it, it just ended TOL7)
You earned 1 mln. You inflated the staff and now how do you live? Do you need 150-200k per month for such a team?
This is mainly the investments that we attracted during the round.
What is the capitalization of your token now - 2 billion?
Was 3 billion at peak, now 300 million$
So you are scammers?😄
No😊 We didn't inflate this price. The market determined it that way. The FDV estimate is incorrect, 100ml coins will never be on the market. The model is deflationary and it will be burned.
Part of the tokens in DAO and if the community decides never to withdraw them, then this will not put pressure on the market either. Now the circulation of tokens is 30ml and tokens will be received until 2029. Within 5 years.
StonFi vs DeDust, you have some tough battles with them!
They have it with us, we have it with them no.
Их дедосили, а они намекали в чате, что это мы. Но это не приятные и непонятные вещи для нас. Мы никогда не хейтили других и всегда говорили, что делаем общее дело и строим экосистему.
DeDust did not attract an audience. Unlike us, we organized promotions, activities. The guys from DeDust just sat and waited for the bull. People who come to the ecosystem through us, they will find them too, so we do them good too.
You are competitors, aren't you? Maybe that's why there is such an attitude?
If you have a store and another one nearby. If it sold the goods, and you didn't, then yes. You lost profit. But it doesn't work like that in DEX, if the token is traded on 2 exchanges. Then there will be arbitrage. The prices are different. That's where the profit comes from.
Are there enough DEXs in Tone now?
In fact, yes. But when the ecosystem expands, it will not be enough. For some reason, everyone makes DEX. And other protocols do not.
Because other products in the same tone are not popular. We have StormTrade derivative trading protocol, EVAA - lending protocol (it is difficult to explain to people what it is for) and also NFT marketplace. DEX - easy to understand, in essence it is an exchange of one token for another.
We need to change the trend. And create something new.
В Тоне есть проекты андеграунд и "провластные". В #TON строится закрытая система, это TonKeeper, StonFi и трудно попасть в нее другим проектам, даже DeDust убирали однажды, ты согласен?
DeDust убрали, потому что, не заплатили. Но сейчас они на месте. Нельзя сказать, что Андерс Хоровитц в эфире - это власть. Есть крупные инвесторы или билдеры, которые хотят максимально больше заработать на построении своей экосистемы.
But this is harmful to competition. Users will have to overpay because there is no alternative and you set the prices. And developers do not come because they are not given traffic and the opportunity to promote.
For a good project, this is not a problem. Nobody has ever written much about StonFi. Ton Foundation, on the contrary, gives full support to young projects, providing its platforms. So that there is no feeling that there is a monopoly of large projects in Ton.
Пример USDT - мы привлекли своими силами и нашли поставщиков ликвидности, которые занесли в StonFi 100мл$, у Dedust было 10мл$, поэтому, Ton Foundation помогли им.
There were clear rules, for every 500k TVL 20k TON of additional boost were allocated. They started bringing liquidity to us and we increased it every 500k. But they didn't bring it to DeDust.
Ton Foundation, praised us, but said that they would not give us more boost. Otherwise, the entire fund would have gone to us. And now, only DeDust needs help. And they immediately launched a big boost into their pools, then the profitability on them jumped and people started moving to them.
We were not happy, but there were rumors circulating on the channels that we wanted to refute.
The league is going on now. For some reason, they didn't take us there. (They took us to TOL7😊)
You are too cool. They were afraid that you would become monopolists. Just like they did to us.
The path we have taken has been thorny and we would like to bask a little in the rays of glory and receive media support.
You just launched later. Don't overestimate the influence of Ton Foundation on the development of the project. A good product will promote itself. The main thing is to pay attention to it.
Is it possible to survive without support?
Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst, that's what my father taught me.
What's better, a big team like StonFi at the start or a small one like DeDust?
Here, we must note the talent of Nick, who almost single-handedly raised such a protocol. Our protocol v1 version has been since 2022 and only this year we made V2.
Поэтому надо сравнивать версии V1 и на сколько я понимаю, в DeDust не было ничего особенного. И лучше, он не был.
Но у нас разработка "академическая", мы много тестим и выкатываем готовый продукт, который уже без багов и доработок. В DeDust могут зарелизить фичу и потом исправлять баги.
Why weren't v1 pools upgraded to v2, but new ones were made?
На сколько я понимаю, оптимизация под шардинги требует создание новых пулов, это скажется в дальнейшем на их эффективности. В версии v1 ни кто, об этом даже не думал. Были обычные обмены на DEX.
Why does the v2 version now consume a lot of gas on exchange, up to 1 TON, while DeDust consumes 0.02?
I can’t answer, I’m not an expert and I’m hearing about this for the first time.
We were really looking forward to the release of v2 and asked the guys from StonFi to warn us so that we could prepare in Swap.Coffee. In the end, we found out by chance on the same day in 3-4 hours and did everything very quickly.
Мы до последнего тоже не были уверены, что будет релиз. Проблема была в коммуникации со стороны разработки. Если бы у меня была инфа во время, я бы ее донес. Мы учтем и посмотрим, как нам улучшить эту часть.
Omniston. What can you tell us about it?
This is cool stuff!
It allows you to combine liquidity from different sources, exchanges, large holders. An application for purchase or sale is sent by an off-chain request, all prices that are on the market are collected and the minimum is selected. Then the transaction is carried out on the blockchain. Now it is a beta version and not available to everyone.
But there is, Swap.Coffee, why this technology and how is it better?
RFQ - это нормальная технология, а AMM - это го*но. Так сказал наш CPO, надеюсь, он меня не побьет за публичное оглашение такой информации😄.
Don't be offended, but AMM is the technology of 2022. You are not our competitors, we must understand this. Omnistone is a project that will be able to unite all market participants in a new way and when exchanging, everyone will receive the token they exchange for. Without the possibility of being left with an intermediate token.
RFQ doesn't have slippage. But it does!
No, it doesn't, but it exists. Maybe I'll report classified information and now Slavik will beat me😊
This is a beta version in which off-chain resolvers (applications) that can use CEX do not work. There, for now, the basic mechanics work as a regular aggregator.
Why was there a release then?
The announcement was for a target audience to gather potential players who want to join.
When exchanging on Swap.Coffee now, we do not take the risks of clients and therefore do not put our additional % on it, but if we exchange through Omnistone, then we will have to take these risks on ourselves, which will ultimately lead to an increase in commissions for clients.
Это хороший вопрос и я понял проблему, наконец таки! Этот вопрос мне нужно будет обсудить с руководством, CPO. Ответа, пока нет. Возможно, решение уже есть.
How important do you think memes are?
Many are skeptical about memes. They are not backed by anything. And you can't invest in them. Why does the Foundation support them?
You can earn x100 on memes. Anyone can put $10 and make a live change. People understand this. It's just a way to attract people.
But when they come, they will start to wonder what else is in the system? That's when they will start paying attention to DeFi. Therefore, this is also important for the development of the Ton ecosystem, but you don't need to get carried away with them.
The first to come to TON were the guys from ARBUZA and thanks to them it was possible to make the daily trading volume $1 mln.
So, is a meme a good thing or a way to steal money from the population?
A meme is a unification of people around an idea.
И он зависит, от того, кто мем создает. С какой целью он делается и какие параметры в нем занесены изначально. Нужно смотреть, нет ли бэкдора в этих протоколах.
But who, then, believes in the community and wants to unite people. Give, for example, some values to coin holders. (Not a bad idea, in my opinion👍😊.)
Под одну гребенку все не собирайте. Хочется увидеть качественных продюсеров, которые сделают все красиво и это будет супер для развития системы.
Name 3 cool memes and 3 bad ones.
REDO - the guys came from Solana. Luckily, the right people picked it up and pumped the kappa up to $100ml. Now it's fallen, but the meme still lives. They successfully hyped it up when people put a dog on their avatar and that's why there was such growth.
FISH - they launched 2 tokens and the last one was also with a cap of 100ml$, but there is no narrative as such. I was surprised how they managed it. I bought it for 25 TON and it gave 25x from the start. Although logically everything rolls out at the beginning.
ARBUZ - a successful meme from Woody. It really turned out to be weak in the cap, about $10 ml, but it was a low start. Therefore, many were already fixated on these values.
And regarding failures:
Грустно получилось с клоуном на тоне. Раз ты его вспомнил. Они зашли на тон и говорят, чет у вас органике нету. И ушли на Solana, пошумели пару дней и потом все.
MoonPong - меня разочаровал. Его нормальный чел запускал. Он NFT сделал, и раздавал за них дроп. Многие заработали на этом дропе хорошо. В общем и целом, к нему залетели снайперы и обнулили токен.
On DEX 3 people sold for 6k$ and the token fell.
When will there be our own meme?
There is a plan to participate in Memlandia. But I don't have $100k yet to launch well, so there will be Rekt. But there should be at least some kind of example, because people don't want to launch anything now.
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