Catizen Price Analysis for Today (Dec 27, 2024)
The current price of Catizen ($CATI ) is $0.3880 , the price has increased by +7.24% in the last 24 hours. CATI is currently listed on 25 exchanges , and 80,761,677 CATI coins have been traded in the last 24 hours, representing $31,331,944 in trading volume.
Catizen (CATI) opened at $0.3628 today. It has increased by 6.93% from the opening price. After falling to $0.3605, it is trying to move higher. From the highest price in the last 30 and 7 days, its value has decreased by -39.49% and -4.10% , while from the lowest price recorded in the same period of time, it has increased by 20.07%. According to our analysis, CATI needs to remain above $0.3139 to potentially move towards the first major resistance level at $0.4374. A break above $0.4374 could see CATI rise towards the next resistance level at $0.5966. The third resistance is at $0.8175.$BTC $BNB