A friend bought 10,000 when it was 0.00, and tens of thousands turned into hundreds of thousands. It has only been a short time. I didn’t understand it at that time. Except for the three major ones, nothing else is needed. I used ht at first. Huobi Chain lost so much money. ht lost so much money. Then it was cleared. I switched to OK. Later, bn rose sharply, so I bought half of OKb and bnb, and I still hold it now. Bn lost half of Bn by buying Tugou. After buying OK, I drew Sui, and Sui won a little. Now it is dozens of times. So with the same money, Bn lost a lot by itself, so now Bn has much less money than OK. Then I bought some coins that these two don’t have, but if you want to bet a hundred times, you have to find what these two don’t have. I did some sesame and bought some promising coins. Then I never did BG. I found that these three platforms b doubled and half times. Nothing has changed.
I didn't like BG at that time.
It's like I'm on drugs.
Now I see the ones at the bottom of the rankings.
They all look like they're going to run away.
So what did you buy?