#TopCoinsSeptember Cryptocurrencies, which can also be referred to as crypto currencies or crypto assets in some contexts, are a digital medium of exchange. They serve the function of a currency, and hence they are known by that name. However, they are entirely digital, using cryptographic methods to secure their financial transactions, control the creation of new units, and verify the transfer of assets.

Therefore, we can consider them as a decentralized alternative to digital currencies. By the term "decentralized" we mean that these currencies are not controlled by a single service or company. The same applies to conventional currencies, which are centralized and organized by entities and banks, making them an opposing method to both.

The first cryptocurrency was Bitcoin created by "Satoshi Nakamoto", a pseudonym that corresponds to a person whose identity is not exactly known. This person published an article in 2009 describing a P2P payment system called Bitcoin. After a few months, he himself released the first version of the software that allows managing the currency's network and began interacting in forums with the first interested parties.