Last night went long at 93000, rebounded to around 95500 at midnight, capturing 2500 points; the target of 3400 for the secondary strategy was perfectly reached, at least with a space of over 100 points.

In the short term, 96500 is effectively under pressure, with two declines around this position yesterday; the four-hour trend is also unfavorable for bulls, as the midnight rebound failed to break through 96500, and the daily line closed with a bearish candle.

However, after this round of continuous correction of over ten thousand points, the daily indicators are already at the oversold threshold. I believe there may be a rebound coming up next, with an amplitude of about 5000-8000 points.

Today, I will go long on a pullback to 92000-92200, looking up to 96000; the secondary strategy is synchronized! If it touches the 91000-91500 area, start positioning for a medium-term long.