The second coin is $CAT, which is a cat coin 🐈
The total supply is 9,000,000,000,000 coins
12.7% of which were distributed to holders of the $BNB coin from the#Binanceplatform
The offered for sale constitutes 75% of the total supply
The current price of the coin is about 0.000035$ , down about 45% from the highest price the coin reached
The cat that the project represents is a British cartoon character that is unfortunately better known than me ... The work team tried to enter the project into the world of Web3 to support its project in Web2 and achieve more profits and expand its project more
It may be that this coin has more scope than the $PENGU coin for a simple reason, which is that the market value of the project is only $230 million compared to the $PENGU coin, which has a market value of $1.8 billion