Craig Wright, also known as Satoshi Nakamoto, has recently faced legal issues for violating a UK court order from July that prohibited him from suing others in the name of Satoshi Nakamoto. In October, he filed a £90 billion lawsuit regarding Bitcoin copyrights, prompting the Crypto Open Patent Alliance (COPA) to sue him again. Today, a UK judge sentenced him to 12 months in prison, with a 2-year suspended sentence for contempt of court. (Background: Craig Wright is in trouble! The UK prosecution considers charging him with forgery and has issued an arrest warrant, freezing his global assets) (Context: The judge ruled that Craig Wright is 'not Satoshi Nakamoto' nor the author of the Bitcoin whitepaper, revealing key evidence) Since 2016, Australian computer scientist Craig Wright has claimed to be the creator of Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto, but has consistently failed to provide substantial evidence, resulting in numerous legal defeats and earning him the nickname 'Craiгk Wright.' Previously, he was sued by the Crypto Open Patent Alliance (COPA) in UK court due to his long-standing claims of owning the copyright and ownership of the Bitcoin whitepaper. Ultimately, UK Judge James Mellor ruled in March this year that Wright is not the real Satoshi Nakamoto or the author of the Bitcoin whitepaper, and issued an order in July prohibiting Wright from suing others for claims in Satoshi Nakamoto's name, while considering charging him with perjury. This brought an end to the long-running farce of the true and false Satoshi Nakamoto. For contempt of court, Wright was sentenced to 1 year in prison, with a 2-year suspended sentence. Now, according to recent reports from CoinDesk and Reuters on the 20th, COPA has once again filed a lawsuit against Craig Wright in the UK High Court, alleging that he filed a £90 billion ($1.1 trillion) legal claim against Jack Dorsey's fintech company Block for infringing on his intellectual property rights related to the Bitcoin system. This action allegedly violates the UK judge's order issued in July, which prohibits Wright from claiming to be Satoshi Nakamoto or owning Bitcoin intellectual property rights to initiate lawsuits. COPA seeks a ruling from the judge to impose up to two years of imprisonment on Wright. Since Wright did not attend the court hearing on Wednesday, Judge James Mellor ruled on Thursday local time that Wright committed 'contempt of court,' sentencing him to 12 months of imprisonment, with a 2-year suspended sentence. He also dismissed Wright's latest lawsuit against Block and other defendants. Wright participated remotely in the sentencing hearing on Thursday, but when the judge inquired about his location, he only stated that he was in Asia and refused to disclose which country. Meanwhile, Wright also expressed his intention to appeal the contempt of court ruling, but his earlier appeal against the judge's ruling that he did not invent Bitcoin was dismissed by the court last month. In July, Wright was also subjected to a global asset freeze order issued by the UK High Court, seeking to freeze £6 million of Wright's assets worldwide and requiring him to pay £1.548 million in legal costs to crypto influencer Peter McCormack, for the legal expenses incurred by McCormack after Wright sued him for defamation in 2019.