
To develop a reasonable investment strategy in the face of market fluctuations, two common options are "Buy" or "HODL". If you believe in the long-term growth potential of BNSOL as well as the liquidity staking market of Solana, you may choose the HODL strategy, which means holding onto your assets without selling even during market corrections. The prospect of BNSOL achieving a TVL of 1 billion USD in a short time demonstrates positive potential in creating value for this token in the future.

On the other hand, if you think the market is in a correction phase and you have an advantage in buying at a lower price, then buying more could be a reasonable option. However, careful consideration of influencing factors such as market sentiment, information from reliable sources about developments in the Solana ecosystem, and the effects of price drops is necessary.

In summary, the decision between buying or HODL should be based on an analysis of the current situation, news, and market trends in the future.