#MarketCorrectionBuyOrHODL The recent sale of six Mad Lads NFTs at an average price of 3.2 SOL, well below the current floor price of the collection (approximately 52.58 SOL), is notable.
Several factors may explain this difference:
Seller error or lack of knowledge: The seller may not be informed of the current market value or may have made a mistake when listing.
Need for quick liquidity: The seller may have needed immediate liquidity, prompting them to accept a price below the market.
Private transactions or specific agreements: It is possible that these sales are part of private agreements or specific transactions, justifying a lower price.
These sales below the floor price may influence the perception of the value of Mad Lads NFTs on the market.
However, if they remain isolated, their impact on the overall value of the collection should be limited.
It is essential for buyers and sellers to stay informed about current prices and market trends to make informed decisions.