In the second half of December 2024, the cryptocurrency community on Telegram will witness a lot of activity with the launch and distribution of new coins via Telegram bots. These applications give users the opportunity to get free coins through daily interactions, tasks, and games. Let's take a look at some of the most anticipated airdrops together.

Airdrop Tomarket

Listing date: December 20, 2024.

Tomarket tokens will be distributed to users who interact with the dedicated bot, such as daily tasks and referral programs.

Airdrop TON Station ($SOON):

Listing date: December 22, 2024.

TON Station is a play-to-earn platform built on the TON blockchain. Users can earn $SOON tokens through in-game activities. The token will be listed on December 22, 2024, with a projected listing price of around $0.0001.

Airdrop Not Pixel

An interactive application that allows users to draw on a shared canvas, and users can claim the drawn spaces. The project aims to promote community participation and provide rewards to participating users.

Airdrop Hurm:

Details: Hurm coin has announced itself as one of the powerful meme coins that will be escalating soon. Users can increase their balances by logging in daily and interacting with its bot.


Listing date: December 2024.

Details: BLUM is an innovative project that combines a mini-game and a trading platform, developed by a team that includes former members of Binance. The goal is to provide a seamless user experience through “Blum Points.”

Hmster Kombat Airdrop – Part 2

After the success of the first part $HMSTR we are back with a new part. The game is based on the Play-to-Earn model, and users can earn HMSTR currency through daily play and interaction with the bot.

Try to interact with the bots daily to increase your balance and benefit from additional rewards.

Follow the official channels of these projects to ensure the latest information and updates.

Be careful and only deal with trusted channels and bots to avoid being scammed.

Finally, December 2024 will be full of exceptional opportunities to participate in the world of airdrops on Telegram. If you are a fan of cryptocurrencies, interacting with these bots can give you valuable rewards.

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