I see a great future for this currency

Stellar is an open-source network whose mission is to “create fair access to the global financial system.” Stellar is maintained by the Stellar Development Foundation, a non-profit organization founded in 2014.

It aims to build a global financial infrastructure that makes it easy to transfer traditional forms of money and enables access to new markets. This goal is achieved by facilitating transactions of digital currency representations (such as the US dollar (USD), the euro (EUR), Bitcoin (BTC), etc.) on a single financial ledger.

Stellar uses the Stellar Consensus Protocol to achieve consensus on the network, which is based on the Uniform Byzantine Agreement. Stellar provides a variety of software development tools and APIs to make building on and using Stellar as accessible as possible.

Stellar's token, Lumen (XLM), is used for storage and serves as a payment method for all services provided by the system.