📝 Does Ether.fi share revenue with $ETHFI Stakers?

The Ether.fi DAO has just announced a revenue-sharing proposal for Stakers, with the following details:

👉 The project will allocate 5% of the protocol's revenue to purchase ETHFI each month, and this ETHFI will then be redistributed to ETHFI Stakers. Currently, this is just a trial rate and may change based on the success of the campaign.

Who will be eligible for revenue sharing?

🔸 Participants must stake ETHFI for at least one month before the cutoff date (end of the month) to qualify for rewards from the protocol. This regulation aims to encourage long-term staking and limit short-term "farming."

🔸 Rewards will be distributed proportionally based on the % of ETHFI that users have staked out of the total ETHFI being staked across the entire protocol.

For instance: If a user stakes 5% of the total ETHFI in the pool, they will receive 5% of the monthly rewards distributed.

🔸 Distribution will occur in the middle of the month, after announcing revenue and executing the buyback.

Currently, there are about 12.7 million ETHFI staked on Ethereum, Arbitrum & Base. EtherFi is also leading the Restaking protocol with 65% of the total value locked in the industry; if this growth trend continues, the revenue from Staking and Restaking of Ether.fi will become increasingly robust month by month, helping the protocol generate sustainable cash flow.