12/17 Mainstream Coin Strategy Analysis
From the current market analysis, yesterday's Bitcoin performance reached a new high in the morning and then entered a consolidation phase during the day. After a wave of inducement operations, the downward support has gradually increased. In the evening, with the opening of the U.S. stock market, the momentum was released as expected, refreshing the historical high, and the overall trend is becoming clearer.
Observing the four-hour chart, the Bollinger Bands show a significant upward opening, with the lower support continuously rising, and the upward space has been fully opened. Currently, the upward pressure is relatively small, with no signs of a top formation in the short term, and the upward potential remains huge. Therefore, it is recommended to maintain a low-risk strategy in subsequent operations.
Bitcoin around 105000 with a target of 107500-108500
Ethereum around 3980 with a target of 4100
Choosing is especially important; the right direction leads to victory!