If you're trading high-frequency contracts, you might not even be aware of the existence of transaction fees, or you might look down on these fees. Little do you know, the transaction fees from frequent trading could even surpass your principal; this is a significant expense. #BTC
🎈Open -- Contracts -- Today's Profit and Loss -- Funding Costs and Transaction Fees.
You can see your transaction fees for nearly a year. 🤷
For those engaged in high-frequency contract trading and large positions,
your fee expenses could exceed your principal in just one month.
So make sure to enable rebates; you should reclaim the fees that are yours. If you don't enable the fees, they all go to the market.
Once enabled, the rebate fees will be returned to your own account, saving you at least tens of thousands of U in fees each month.
🪂 Spend wisely; if you can save, then save. If you've been following my content for a long time and are willing to support me, please share the invitation link below with your friends. 😘
🔸 Highest rebate link! https://www.marketwebb.ac/join?ref=FPE4CRUY&utm_medium=web_share_copy
Rebate code: FPE4CRUY