The most headache-inducing task I have to do in the next 3 months is to identify 6-8 altcoin codes to hold. Why is it a headache? Because there are too many potential codes, but I can't afford to lose x10. Capital is limited, so I have to focus on volume, reducing the number of codes held to the lowest possible.

The hardest part is having to eliminate codes that I know if bought at that price range during this period, it's hard to lose. However, it is also important to note that this decision is based on the market cycle and must be in the 'buy year'.

Many people might say: 'You're so good at this!'. In fact, it's not like that. The main thing is that you have to clearly understand the criteria of an altcoin code that cannot lose, and find the right price range to buy—in the 'buy year', because only in this year, that formula is accurate. If you buy in the 'sell year', it is very easy to encounter risks.

People in the investment community often say, if you buy at the right time (buy year), when you enter the right speculative product, you have already won 80% of the battle.
