Investment ultimately must have a destination, my friends!

Our destination should be scarce assets that generate cash flow; the better, the better!

Here is my prioritized list:

- Cash-flow-generating townhouses in major cities

Apartments and houses in VIP areas but in the suburbs are not scarce at all - they spring up like mushrooms every year - there are still good deals, but knowledge, vision, and connections are needed... what I don't understand, I shouldn't get involved in.

- Gold - a value-storing asset proven through many generations, no need to discuss further!

Diamonds and many other metals and gemstones are not included; diamonds can be created, but gemstones require knowledge that is hard to access and liquidity.

- Bitcoin - $BTC is undoubtedly a good asset, gold 4.0, but one should not go all in; buying and selling is too easy, which also makes it easy to make mistakes and get hacked... Remember, you can be hacked on $BTC, but you cannot be hacked on your land use rights certificate.

Other altcoins are just a game; $ETH may be a bit different but not convincing enough.