2024.12.4 Daytime Market Analysis
In a bull market, don't short; the longer time goes on, the more favorable it becomes. Defend against fluctuations and adjust positions.
Main direction for long positions: 4200, 4500 (just keep looking for opportunities to go long).
On the day: Ethereum has the potential for a rebound; after a pullback, continue to go long, try to ambush Ethereum. If Ethereum can maintain its pattern, then maintain the pattern.
Resistance levels: 3750, 3960, 98500, 99600
Support levels: 3550, 3610, 94600, 93500
Ethereum for the day: 3630, 3640 long positions, add to positions at 3580, 3590, take profit at 3730, 3750, pattern take profit at 3850, 3950
Bitcoin for the day: 95200, 95500, start paying attention at the one-hour golden line, take profit at 97300, 98300
Spot trading techniques will be discussed in the last 10 minutes of the live stream; if you don't understand, feel free to listen multiple times.
Combine live streaming with technicals, manage positions well, for reference only #ETH持续飙升 #比特币政策 #合约挑战