reported on December 3 that MAJOR, an innovative project in the Telegram ecosystem, has continued to gain popularity in the past week. Its token MAJOR is currently quoted at $1.1192, with a 24-hour increase of 3.74%. As the first rating game on the Telegram platform, MAJOR not only attracted a large number of users, but also made significant progress in the expansion of its ecological functions. On November 30, it was officially announced that it would launch an NFT exchange function, allowing users to rent and lease unique digital numbers within the Telegram ecosystem. The first phase of the function is expected to be launched next week. Users holding the 888 number can earn $MAJOR through the platform, while demand parties can participate in the ecosystem by purchasing tokens in advance. Officials stated that this is just the beginning of MAJOR NFT functions, and more innovative applications will be launched in the future. In addition, Telegram founder Pavel Durov publicly expressed his support for MAJOR on November 28, calling it "one of the most successful mini program cases" in the Telegram ecosystem. He revealed that MAJOR generated more than 10 million US dollars in revenue and exceeded 70 million users in just 5 months, and was driven by entrepreneur Roxman. In endorsing the project, Durov accepted 1% of MAJOR tokens and promised not to sell them for the next 10 years. MAJOR's community and market performance continue to attract outside attention, and it also sets a benchmark for the Telegram mini program ecosystem. Some analysts pointed out that MAJOR’s token mechanism and ecological innovation may further promote its market performance in the future.