Neglecting fund management and not controlling positions: We use our hard-earned money to participate in cryptocurrency trading, which is no different in essence from investing in a convenience store near your home. If a small convenience store owner comes to you for some investment in their little shop, how would you consider whether to invest or not? How much would you invest? Would you make that decision impulsively like in trading? The so-called fund management aims to address the questions of whether to invest and how much to invest. The advice for beginners is to divide funds into six parts and only invest one part each time. As your experience gradually increases and your investment accuracy improves, slowly increase your position, but at no time should the holding of a single asset exceed fifty percent of the total funds. Otherwise, once you make a mistake, it will be very difficult to recover. For example, if you have one hundred thousand yuan and lose fifty percent at once, you will be left with fifty thousand. To earn back one hundred thousand from fifty thousand, you need to achieve a hundred percent return. Anyone with a basic understanding of mathematics knows that a hundred percent return takes much longer than fifty percent.

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