In the current market environment, investment strategies are not solely determined by emotional factors, but require in-depth analysis of fundamentals and value orientation.

Although everyone hopes for an upward trend to break through key levels, market fluctuations are often not smooth sailing. It is advisable to adopt a long-term perspective; even if one may face a period of being trapped, it is important to maintain composure and determination.

The following points should be noted:

① The cost of missing good opportunities may be greater, so it is better to endure short-term fluctuations;

② During mid-course adjustments, it is unwise to panic blindly, and one should pay attention to potential reversal opportunities;

③ Even in the event of a significant pullback, do not give up easily, and patiently wait for a rebound;

④ The current market situation may exceed expectations, and investment layout should be adjusted in a timely manner.

Properly diversifying risks, maintaining rational judgment, and long-term investment returns will certainly meet expectations.