#doge⚡ Trend Analysis

From a cyclical perspective, DOGE/BTC is currently in a strong upward trend. From 2021 to 2024, #doge⚡ has experienced an ABC cycle, with a drop of up to 90%, which is an amazing adjustment.

I expect Dogecoin to reach an all-time high against Bitcoin in this cycle. From the perspective of historical cycles, using a simple extension method of 1.618 times is usually a good reference indicator.

According to this calculation, the target of DOGE/BTC may reach 0.00002, an increase of 373% from the current price. But this is only a price fluctuation relative to Bitcoin. Considering that the price of Bitcoin may be close to 140,000 or even higher at the end of this cycle, #doge⚡ has greater potential.

Although the common target price in the market is $1, this number is cool and simple, in fact, the real target price of #doge⚡ should be $2.20, which is a more practical target.