The recent market trend is volatile and there is no clear direction. Too much guidance may mislead everyone's operation ideas. The current market trend does not show strong unilateral characteristics and is more suitable for short-term trading. From morning to midday, the overall trend has been hinted, but too much attention to a single variety cannot fully grasp today's market.
During the US stock market holiday, market fluctuations will also be relatively limited. We will focus on the market trend on Friday, when there may be large fluctuations. At that time, we will provide you with corresponding operation directions and strategy suggestions. Please pay attention to the guidance of Master Lao Tan. The key is to seize the opportunity to enter and exit the market in the short term.
Hope this helps! If necessary, please continue to communicate. #币安BNSOL质押PYTH #美国续请失业金人数创三年新高 #市场回暖新机遇