CoinVoice has recently learned that according to the data from the Web3 asset data platform RootData project ranking surge list, as of 19:30 on November 28, Rarimo ranked first with a ranking increase of 1098 places; Soarchain rose by 928 places to rank second; RuneMine rose by 908 places to rank third.
According to Web3 asset data platform RootData, Rarimo is a privacy-first social application that allows users to remain private without losing historical operations, networks, and identities. Users can use their mobile phones to store passport data locally, publish their identities without permission, and anonymously generate ZKPs that prove their voting qualifications.
It is reported that RootData has launched the first "Web3 Hot Project Ranking". This popularity ranking helps users capture the real pulse of attention and improve the accuracy of user investment decisions through 4.3 million real user behavior data. The ranking will be based on the platform users' search frequency, project clicks, user votes, and the popularity and influence of the X platform to calculate the real-time ranking of the project popularity value. [Original link]