Hello friends, I learned about trading and started trading, learning various strategies, I traded, wanting to capture all the movements as I thought I was right and the price would go there but alas, I seemed to be able to close decent money but hit stop-loss, and often a dump and a loss of deposit, back then it was not a bull market)
But after ...
I realized that I lacked good knowledge and experience, and I couldn't pull off large trades, only catching small percentages, and I started earning through accumulation. That's why I liked and still like trading because you can use the earned money right away. In what other field can you immediately work with earned money without increasing risks, especially when starting even with small amounts?
I started taking 0.30% from each trade every day, aiming to make a plan of +2% daily by the end of the day!!!
BUT it was not always possible to earn 2% at the beginning, and this was compensated by other days when it was more.
Day 1 100+2%=102
Day 2 102+2%=104.04
Day 3 104.04+2%=106.12
And so on, this is called
Compound interest (or interest on interest) is a way of calculating interest where the profit obtained at the end of each accrual period is not withdrawn, but added to the deposit amount (reinvested). This is called capitalization. In this case, in the next period, the interest is calculated on the deposit amount + profit obtained at the end of the previous accrual period.
Thus, over the year, a very impressive amount was obtained with just minimal risks.
An example with 100 after a year results in 137,740
The time spent at the beginning earning (pennies) pays off entirely and completely in the end.
Time is your X's
And what is your story?