Who the hell yells 'Kong' every day? So trusting? It's just He Yang shouting 'Duo'!

What He Yang says is never wrong, 'Duo' all the way!

Whatever is said is accurate, don't you know if you guys have caught on to the recent market order!?

Now that it has broken 4000, the next target is 5000.

Brothers, hesitation leads to death, let's follow He Yang to feast and return home for the New Year as a landlord!!! It's still rising! Rising all the way! Pay attention to He Yang! Keep watching the analysis #市场波动,加仓还是观望? #美国GDP数据即将公布 #币安HODLerTHE #比特币盘整分析 #比特币盘整分析 $ETH $ETH $BTC