From yesterday to today, the large pie has dropped 6000 points, moving from 98999 to 92666, showing a four-hour level correction. Currently, signs of a stop-loss are appearing, and the market is starting to rebound, running back to around 94300. The market makers are once again attacking to inflate the long positions, giving the bears unlimited confidence. However, considering the recent market movement from 69000 up to 99000, this correction is quite normal. Still, it does have an impact on the short-term trend. If this correction cannot forcefully return to 98000, it indicates that the market will likely go down again. Currently, the possibility seems low, so today we will mainly adopt a rebound short strategy.
Now let's take a look at the smaller pie. The correction space of the smaller pie yesterday was not as strong as the large pie, and after two downward spikes failing to break the support level below 3350, the market is still showing a rebound. Currently, the rebound has not yet ended, and like the large pie, we should also treat today with a rebound short strategy. We are still holding our egg 🥚, with the large pie first looking at 95000 and the smaller pie at 3490.
Large pie: Short near the rebound at 95800-96300, aiming for targets at 95300-94800-94300.
Smaller pie: Short near the rebound at 3500-3530, aiming for targets at 3470-3440-3400#BTC创历史最大月度涨幅 #比特币突破10万? #比特币关键区间