This week, we almost completed our divine ascent with a perfect victory! Although today we had over 97,700 losses that took us out, we ultimately made over 10,000 points with 8 out of 9 public trades; internally, we won 9 out of 11 trades, achieving over 80% win rate with 14,300 points, which is evident for all to see.
Since Monday, we have been bullish all the way from below 90,000 to above 99,000. Although we didn't effectively reach our target of 100,000, we were just under 400 points away; during this entire bullish trend this week, we accurately targeted the lowest entry points multiple times, and several public market orders won perfectly, averaging around 1,800 points per trade.
It's not just this week; since the day before the election, I have been emphasizing a bullish outlook. In this bull market, we are not just witnesses but actual participants. The strong need not say much; their strength speaks for itself!