Specialty of the Uptrend season, looking back at the price increase is a straight line..?
Now looking at that point, in reality, it also went through many pump and dump storms, but after increasing 5 times, it only remains a straight line..
#XLM old coins but no one has them, so when it pushes, it just runs… Market cap over 2 billion pushed up to 14B$ smoothly like the wind.. Entering Uptrend sees big cap and small cap pushing like memecoin, even BTC increased from 68k$ to 98k$ very smoothly.
Brothers, don’t get anxious seeing other people's coins increase, your turn will come too… During this phase, anyone who sells early will miss out on their holdings when it pumps, so it's best to just sit still.. It's like #XLM #XLM , if you sell when it's just starting to show, you'll lose your holdings forever.
#Bitcoin #BTC #Ethereum #ETH #DOT #KSM #XLM