ChainCatcher message, according to the Web3 asset data platform RootData's ranking surge list, as of November 21st, 17:00, HyperAGI has increased by 1026 ranks, ranking first; Valantis Protocol has increased by 989 ranks, ranking second; Shinami has increased by 921 ranks, ranking third.
Additionally, according to the Web3 asset data platform RootData, HyperAGI is a multi-layer decentralized platform designed to provide strong computational support and innovative applications for AI. This platform is built on Ethereum Layer 3 and Arbitrum, specifically designed for AI computation, including spatial AI rendering, training, and large motion model inference, serving two core projects: MOSSAI and AgentMe.
HyperAGI has built a gamified platform that trains spatial AI through crowdsourcing and cryptocurrency reward mechanisms, facilitating interaction between users and AI. This platform provides AI developers with the necessary computational infrastructure, allowing users to trade assets or purchase AI services within the ecosystem.
It is reported that RootData has launched the first 'Web3 Hot Project Ranking'. This popularity ranking uses 4.3 million real user behavior data to help users capture the real attention pulse and improve the accuracy of user investment decisions. The ranking is based on the weighted calculation of project popularity values in real-time, based on the frequency of searches by platform users, project click rates, user votes, and the popularity and influence on platform X.