Regarding the question of how many people are willing to see certain coins delisted, our customer service cannot accurately inform you, but you may try to submit feedback.
Additionally, at Binance, we regularly review each digital asset we list to ensure it continues to meet high standards and industry requirements. When a coin or token no longer meets these standards or when the industry landscape changes, we conduct a more in-depth review and may remove it from our listings. Our top priority is to ensure the best service and protection for our users while continually adapting to the ever-changing market dynamics.
When conducting these reviews, we consider various factors. Here are some factors we consider when deciding whether to delist a digital asset:
Commitment of the team to the project
Level and quality of development activity
Trading volume and liquidity
Stability and security of the network against attacks
Stability of the network/smart contracts
Level of public communication
Response to our regular due diligence requirements
Evidence of unethical/fraudulent behavior or negligence
New regulatory requirements
Contribution to a healthy and sustainable cryptocurrency ecosystem