$BTTC I've always wondered why this coin remains in last place despite being an excellent project. So since it doesn't let me sleep, I started doing various simulation exercises, showing what would have to happen for its price to reach the value of $0.01 dollars.

After several exercises, this one that I will comment on is the one that fascinated me, it enchanted me enough to make it a reality, so here I will explain how the exercise was carried out (methodology), and without forgetting my economist friends the assumptions that should be met to reach the desired price.

Currently this currency has a Circulating Supply of 960,000,000,000,000, and we wish for it to saturate, that is, to reach the total value of 990,000,000,000,000, but this is where the assumptions begin, the first is that the exercise will start from the first day of the year 2025.

Second assumption, without being so ambitious we only want it to increase by 1,000,000,000,000 each quarter, in that sense, it would lead us to saturation by the third quarter of the year 3031, nothing prolonging, but we will discuss this later.

In that time, to go from the value of $0.0000114 to $0.01, the price increase of the currency would have to be $0.0003333 quarterly, this was calculated as the difference between the current value and the desired value which gives us the value of 0.00999886, but this has to be divided into the 30 periods that exist between the first quarter of the year 2025 and the third quarter of the year 2031.

With this data, we estimate the quarterly market capitalization value of the currency, giving the following graph, where it is observed that it has to go from the value of $1,094,400,000 to $9,900,000,000,000.

But, this situation can change significantly if there were a substantial burning of coins by the owners of the currency or if it is politically well viewed by those who will be leaders of the United States.

Therefore, it was concluded that its price will continue to apply the concept of ceteris paribus, remaining unchanged substantially, unless we, as has been done, continue to buy coins until it saturates as quickly as possible and does not have to take a decade, and subsequently sacrifice some by burning them so that their price rises faster, unless a situational seismic event occurs that explodes this currency to the 🌓 🚀, because when talking about cryptocurrencies, nothing is written and its characteristic is volatility.

Moreover, I am passionate that in less than two years, this and many other currencies will make millionaires out of many people who love cryptos and risk.

I hope you like it, if there are any questions I remain attentive to your comments, excellent Monday ♥️.