$BTC continuously sweeping liquidity creates a scenario for the period 23-2-2024 can we start buying in???
Currently, we are starting to see the scenario for the period 23-2-2024 emerge as BTC continuously sweeps liquidity at the price levels of 92k and 89k while continuously moving up the upper band and then returning to the lower band without a strong supply outflow like the failed price push phase on 9-12-2023. So if the scenario for February 2023 has emerged, what is the next necessary condition for us to buy spot BTC???
That is when BTC continues to move towards accumulation zones at the price level of 88.7k or deeper with an immediate pullback force, we can confirm the scenario for the period on 23-2-20234 completing 50% of the pattern. Based on the completion of that 50% pattern, we can start to buy 25% of our capital at the price level of 88.7 (when there is a pullback zone) to bet that BTC will continue to the period on 25-2-2024.
If after that BTC continues to rise and has a second accumulation zone at the price level of 89-92k and then falls deep into the 88.7k zone, we will start to buy an additional 25% spot at the 88.7k zone to bet that BTC will have a confirmation to continue into an uptrend as in the period on 25-2-2024.
As for the remaining 50% of the capital, we will only buy 30% at the point where BTC confirms with a strong price increase along with a sudden volume (depending on the price zone BTC falls back to and I will update if the above scenario occurs to buy at which price level).
If BTC does not fall into the scenario for the period 23-2-2024, I will update in the next article!
And currently, you can consider buying 25% of capital as I analyzed to bet that BTC confirms the scenario completing 50% of the pattern like in the period 23-2-2024. Remember to manage risk in case of failure.