I think that in our cryptocurrency circle,

it's better for everyone to just focus on launching and trading coins.

There's no need to discuss AI/quantum computing/Riemann hypothesis and such,

because talking about it just reveals one's lack of basic knowledge.

I don't know how many of them are just liberal arts students rambling on.

ChatGPT has been out for almost two years now,

and I estimate that by now, they still haven't figured out

the operational logic of large model generative AI.

Solving mathematical problems is actually one of the current challenges for AI,

because it is good at summarizing and generalizing but not at proving and reasoning.

If it really had that level, then self-awareness wouldn't be far off.

Of course, all of this isn't important.

As long as the retail investors are convinced and willing to take on the risk, that's enough.

After all, the goal of our industry has never been "seeking truth."

So from this perspective,

the zoo memes are still the most appealing...