Binance offers a dedicated feature called Convert Small Balances to BNB, which helps users convert small assets or “dust,” which are the remaining small coin balances in their accounts, into Binance Coin (BNB).
How to benefit from converting small assets to BNB:
1. Go to the balances page:
In your Binance account, go to Wallet and select Spot Wallet.
2. Choose the transfer option:
You will find the “Convert Small Balances to BNB” option at the top. Click on it, and you will see a list of small balances (dust) available for conversion.
3. Minimum transfer:
Transfers are only available for balances below a certain value, usually 0.001 BTC (or equivalent). If you don't have small balances that meet the minimum, the transfer option won't appear.
4. Check the list of convertible assets:
A list of coins you can convert will be displayed. Check the list and choose the assets you want to convert to BNB.
5. Complete the transfer:
After selecting the currencies, click on “Convert to BNB”. The conversion will be made immediately to your account in the form of BNB.
Advantages of this method:
Ease of use: Allows you to easily convert small balances that you may not benefit from directly into BNB.
Small spread: Binance converts at market price, which means the spread is very small.
Low Trading Fees: After converting small balances to BNB, you can use them to pay trading fees at a discount, reducing your overall costs.
Points to consider:
Transfer is limited to small currencies only: balances above the minimum cannot be transferred via this service.
Fluctuations: Although the difference is small, the price of BNB may change after the transfer, which means the value of the transferred balances may vary slightly.
The feature of converting small assets to BNB is very useful to reduce the scattered balances in your account and utilize them in an efficient way.