⭐️ Web3 X Batch 04: Over 3 international investment funds, a major event in Bangkok, and the opportunity for direct pitching – is it unbelievable? ⭐️

💠 Join "Demo Day in the Incubation Program" at Devcon, Bangkok this November. Don't miss out on the benefits from the incubation program such as: funding, investment, training with top mentors… Especially, at the “Pitch and Sip” event organized by @MetisL2, @W3X_NW is the main partner!

✨ Opportunity to connect with major investors:

- P1X: An investment and incubation fund for projects in the APAC region.

- Contribution Capital: A globally renowned fund.

- SNZ: A research investment company with over 200 portfolios.

- OKX Ventures: An investment fund with capital up to 100 million dollars.

⛳ @W3X_NW aims to support outstanding projects applying for Incubation Program Batch 04 to participate in the event. This is a rare opportunity for projects to showcase their products to Ventures and international investment funds. Anyone building a project should seize the opportunity.

👇🏻 If you want to participate in the incubation program, register here: http://linktr.ee/w3x.network

🎫 Event details for “Pitch & Sip” http://metis.io/events/pitch-and-sip