In the cryptocurrency trading market, choosing an exchange with low fees is crucial for traders. Binance, as a well-known digital asset trading platform, has attracted a large number of users. However, it is essential for traders to understand and compare their fees.

Veteran traders in the crypto circle should know how frightening the fees for high-frequency trading contracts can be. Newcomers should also understand the fees generated from trading in the crypto world and what fee rebates are. No matter what trading mode, fees will be incurred, both for buying and selling.

1. Fees and Costs

Making 1 contract trade:

Opening fee 5 USDT, closing fee 5 USDT, total 10 USDT.

⭕️ Summary: 10x leverage calculated on 5 contract trades per day

✅ Daily fee is: 10 * 5 = 50 USDT = 400 CNY

✅ Monthly fee is: 400 * 30 = 12,000 CNY

✅ Annual fee is: 12,000 * 12 = 144,000

20x leverage means 20,000 USDT, 20,000 USDT * 0.05% = 10 USDT fee

Making 1 contract trade:

Opening fee 10 USDT, closing fee 10 USDT, total 20 USDT.

⭕️ Summary: 20x leverage calculated on 5 contract trades per day

✅ Daily fee is: 20 * 5 = 100 USDT = 800 CNY

✅ Monthly fee is: 800 * 30 = 24,000 CNY

✅ Annual fee is: 24,000 * 12 = 288,000

As long as old users still play on Binance without a commission rebate, they can re-enter the invitation code to get a rebate, helping you save on trading fees. It may not seem much in a day, but by the end of the week, fees can accumulate to several hundred USDT. Isn't it nice to use that money for a good meal? Or to fill up your car with gas, even having the confidence to tell the waiter to fill it up with 98! If you need a rebate, check my profile~
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