Transparent data is crucial for every blockchain ecosystem, providing strong support to users.
Including: market information, transaction details, and price information.
This data supports dApps, trading strategies, and smart contracts.
Injective also has strong support from good data providers, including oracle services, decentralized protocols, and data analytics platforms.
storkoracle: Stork is an oracle that provides unprecedented speed and pricing expertise in the leveraged derivatives trading space. Recently, Injective partnered with Stork to launch the world's first $BUIDL index tracking the BlackRock BUIDL fund.
Artemis: Artemis is a data analytics platform that provides institutional-grade analytics for protocols and users. Injective is one of the main L1s integrated with Artemis, enabling users to track protocol revenue, daily trading, and more on Injective.
graphprotocol: is a decentralized protocol that can query and index blockchain data.
With Injective's recent integration, developers on Injective can now easily query network data, allowing dApps to scale in unprecedented ways.
It is precisely these fair and openly accessible data support providers that enable the continuous healthy development of the Defi sector in the inj ecosystem.