The TON Price Heatmap provides insights into long-term price trends by calculating the one-year moving average and its multiples (2x, 3x, etc.). Historical data shows that the TON price has only broken below the one-year moving average in bear markets. Given that we are currently in a bull cycle, this support level offers a suitable risk/reward profile for long-term investments.

If the current price reaches Sigma8, it could offer investors a significant profit margin. The TON price action shows that there has been a significant decrease in volatility for the asset and that the price is in a relatively “cold” zone. This creates a potentially suitable environment for investors looking to implement a DCA (Dollar Cost Averaging) strategy with lower risk.

The TON price may not remain at the one-year moving average levels for long. This zone can be considered an attractive opportunity to accumulate TON.

The TON Price Heatmap stands out as a useful tool for evaluating the risk/reward ratio.