What is P2P? | Is P2P useful? | Advantages and disadvantages of P2P

To begin with, the first question we can ask ourselves is what is P2P? If we analyze it from an easy point of view, it is an exchange of assets from person to person in which 2 people seek to satisfy the needs of acquiring an asset in the case that we have 2 people who will be (A and B)

"A" will have dollars in a bank account and

"B" will have cryptocurrencies on an exchange.

Person "A" would send dollars to "B" to his bank account and "B" would release the balance in cryptocurrencies.

After having answered the first question... one that seems very interesting to me is whether P2P is useful and the truth is that it is since it is a tool that allows us to be more globalized in the sense of being able to exchange currency. of my country for the currency of another person's country, this mechanism allows us to send money to a family member who is in another country and for that money to reach the other person in less time compared to traditional tools.

Advantages and disadvantages of P2P

The greatest advantage of P2P is that of a much more fluid and globalized economy.

The biggest disadvantage of P2P is that you cannot determine the origin of the other person's money, nor can you be sure if the other person is 100% trustworthy.