Trading Insights Sharing

1. Inadequate cognition leads to wasted efforts.

2. Making big money relies on significant market movements; don't fumble around.

3. A low-frequency, slow-paced approach in larger cycles is more likely to succeed.

4. A person's willpower and rationality are consumables.

5. Methods should be simple; simplicity is straightforward and worry-free.

6. Open positions in areas where significant market movements are likely and experiment.

7. Cut losses and let profits run to achieve a high profit-to-loss ratio.

8. Risk management is essential; preserve capital, let profits run, and cut losses.

9. Be patient and wait during stagnant markets; don't open any positions.

10. During significant market movements, go all-in, add to profitable positions, and accumulate wealth quickly.

11. Stay a bit distant from the market; just fire without getting attached, and avoid obsession.